Migracije ljudi iz ratom zahvaćenih područja, onih koji bježe od siromaštva, nasilja i drugih nepravdi postali su naša svakodnevica. Europska unija na taj fenomen migracijskih kretanja već dugi niz godina odgovara sve većom kriminalizacijom zatvarajući svoje granice i gradeći neprobojnu Tvrđavu Europu.

Vrijeme je da se njeni zidovi sruše i da Europa postane sigurno utočište za sve, u skladu s njenim proklamiranim temeljnim vrijednostima! Upravo zato se 8. Marš solidarnosti u organizaciji Mreže antifašistkinja Zagreba i Inicijative „Dobrodošli!“ održava u znaku solidarnosti prema izbjeglicama, ali i ostalima koji bježe od društvenih nepravdi.

U subotu, 14. studenog 2015. točno u podne okupljamo se na Trgu žrtava fašizma s kojeg ćemo krenuti prema Tomislavcu, te Marš solidarnosti završiti na Trgu Europe.

Svjedočili smo prevelikom broju pothlađenih, gladnih i bosih ljudi koji prolaze kroz Hrvatsku i druge europske zemlje. Previše je ljudi poginulo u pokušaju prelaska Sredozemnog mora i nacionalnih granica. Trenutna humanitarna kriza na europskom tlu rezultat je ciničnog odnosa institucija Europske unije i vlada europskih zemalja koje svojim centralističkim praksama direktno uzrokuju migracije. Zatvaranje granica ne može biti odgovor na trenutnu situaciju, pogotovo dok se istovremeno provode opasne politike koje između ostalog i ekonomski destabiliziraju područja pogođena tim politikama. 

Ako želite živjeti u humanoj, solidarnoj i otvorenoj Europi, koja nudi uvjete za dostojanstven život za sve, pridružite se Maršu solidarnosti i tako izrazite podršku izbjeglicama te neslaganje s trenutnom politikom europskih institucija i vlada.


Mreža antifašistkinja Zagreba i Inicijativa „Dobrodošli!“

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8th Solidarity march: For open Europe!

Migrations caused by war, poverty, violence and other injustices have become part of our everyday lives.

For years now, the European Union’s response to this migration phenomena has been to shut down its borders in order to reestablish Fortress Europe. It is time to tear down these walls in order for Europe to become a safe heaven for everybody in accordance

with its proclamated fundamental values! This is why Initiative “Welcome!” and Antifascist Network of Zagreb are organizing the 8th Solidarity march in support of refugees, but also for all those who are running away from social injustices.

The march will take place at noon of November 14th, 2015 at the Trg žrtava fašizma in Zagreb, proceed across Trg kralja Tomislav and finally end at the Trg Europe.

We have witnessed way too many cold, hungry and barefoot people who have been passing through Croatia and other European states. Too many people have died trying to cross over the Mediterranean in their attempts to reach Europe. The current humanitarian crisis in Europe is the result of the cynical relationship of the institutions of the European Union and EU governments that are the direct cause of the migrations thanks to their centralist practices. The shutting down of borders cannot be the response to the current crisis while at the same time some EU countries are trying to implement dangerous policies which also economically destabilise the areas hit by those same policies.

If you wish to live in humane and open Europe based on solidarity that offers the conditions for a dignified life for everybody, then join our solidarity march and express your support to refugees and disagreement with the current policies of European institutions and governments.

In solidarity,

Antifascist Network of Zagreb and "Welcome!" Initiative