3. – 25. lipnja 2016.
Na otvorenju umjetnik Oliver Ressler predstavit će svoje filmove a pridružit će mu se i Dragutin Varga, sindikalni povjerenik Regionalnog industrijskog sindikata i predsjednik radničkog Upravnog odbora u tvornici ITAS - Prvomajska d.d. iz Ivanca, jedan od istaknutih boraca za preuzimanje tvornice. Više o tome: http://www.radnickaprava.org/video/predavanja/dragutin-varga-itas-prvomajska
Trokanalna video instalacija Daria Azzellinija i Olivera Resslera
97 min. (ukupno)
2014. – 2015.
Ekonomska kriza koja je započela 2007.-2008. godine uzrokovala je masovna otpuštanja, a tisuće nezaposlenih radnika lišila... nade da će pronaći novo zaposlenje. Kao posljedica toga, kontrola radnika nad proizvodnim sredstvima postala je goruća tema diljem Europe. Do tada su tvornice bile okupirane i vraćane u ruke radnika gotovo isključivo u Latinskoj Americi.
U većini slučajeva okupacija ne predstavlja promišljeni način preuzimanja kontrole od strane radnika, već njihovu borbu protiv zatvaranja proizvodnog pogona ili tvrtke ili njihovog premještanja u drugu državu. Te borbe često se rasplinjuju, ne ostvarujući konkretne rezultate. Okupiraj, odupri se, proizvedi bavi se onim rjeđim, bolje organiziranim borbama kojima je cilj kontrolu nad proizvodnjom staviti u ruke radnika. Oni pak nisu samo prosvjednici, već preuzimaju inicijativu i postaju protagonisti, gradeći horizontalne društvene odnose u tvornicama te primjenjujući mehanizme direktne demokracije i kolektivnog donošenja odluka. Prestrukturirana na taj način, mjesta rada često se transformiraju, a stvaraju se i veze s lokalnom zajednicom i društvenim pokretima.
Trokanalna video instalacija Zauzmi, obrani, proizvodi sastoji se od tri filma o okupiranim tvornicama u Milanu, Rimu i Solunu. Riječ je o slučajevima kada su radnici uspjeli organizirati rad i sami upravljati tvornicom, a svaki film zasniva se na razgovorima s radnicima. Također, snimani su njihovi sastanci, na kojima su se zajednički donosile odluke. Iznimno je važno prepoznati razlike između situacija, konteksta i praksi tih triju tvrtki koje se nalaze u rukama radnika, ali također je važno shvatiti radničko upravljanje ili preuzimanje mjesta rada kao društveno-politički, a ne tek ekonomski čin.
Maflow, multinacionalni proizvođač auto dijelova iz Milana, zatvorio je svoju proizvodnju 2009. godine, kada je vlasniku, tvrtki Italian Lifestyle Partners, prijetila tužba za prijevaru tijekom stečaja. Radnici su započeli borbu za ponovo pokretanje tvornice pod vlastitom kontrolom. Godine 2013. okupirali su tvornicu, i od tada je 20 radnika redovno sudjelovalo u pokretu, u potpunosti transformirajući i sebe i tvornicu, koju su preimenovali u RiMaflow. Primjenjujući koncept "otvorene tvornice" radnici su počeli reciklirati računala i druge elektroničke uređaje, otvorili su kafić i kantinu te organizirali buvljak i različite kulturne aktivnosti zajedno s lokalnom zajednicom. Uz to su uspostavili suradnju s lokalnim proizvođačima organskih proizvoda te osnovali skupinu za solidarnu kupovinu.
Tvrtka Officine Zero (prethodno RSI – Raid Service Italia) nekoć je bila specijalizirana za održavanje i popravak spavaćih kola. Kada su talijanske željeznice ukinule noćne vlakove u prosincu 2011. godine, RSI se zatvorio. Dvadesetak radnika od ukupno njih 60 odbilo je jednostavno prihvatiti zatvaranje tvrtke te su je u veljači 2012. okupirali. Godine 2013. službeno je osnovana Officine Zero kao eko-socijalna tvornica. Officine Zero doslovno znači "Nula radionice": "nula šefova, nula izrabljivanja, nula onečišćenja," kako je glasio njihov novi slogan. Otvorene su radionice za stolariju, oblaganje, reciklažu kućanskih aparata, računala i namještaja. Cilj ovog kolektivnog projekta je pretvoriti bivši servis spavaćih kola u centar za recikliranje i prenamjenu otpada.
Tvrtka Vio.Me. iz Soluna proizvodila je industrijsko ljepilo, izolatore i druge umjetne građevinske materijale. Tijekom 2010. godine radnici su bili slani na neplaćeni dopust svakih 4-6 tjedana. Kada je vlasnik konačno prestao isplaćivati plaće, u srpnju 2011. radnici su odlučili okupirati tvornicu i uzeti vlastitu budućnost u svoje ruke. U veljači 2013. Vio.Me. počeo je proizvoditi organske proizvode za čišćenje i sapun. Kako bi poslovanje bilo legalno, osnovana je zadruga. Radnici je ne smatraju svojim vlasništvom, već općim dobrom koje treba služiti cijeloj zajednici. Vio.Me. ima svoje "pristaše solidarnosti" koje plaćaju mjesečnu naknadu i zauzvrat dobivaju proizvode. Skupština za solidarnost također podupire radničke mobilizacije.
U budućnosti umjetnici planiraju nastaviti snimati filmove o okupiranim tvornicama i širiti video instalaciju kako se radničke borbe nastavljaju.
Režija i produkcija: Dario Azzellini i Oliver Ressler
Kamera: Thomas Parb
Dodatna kamera: Rudolf Gottsberger, Bernhard Mayr
Dizajn zvuka, postprodukcija zvuka i korekcija boje: Rudolf Gottsberger
Projekt su financirali: Austrijski znanstveni fond (FWR) AR 183-G21, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo – CAAC, BKA, Aktion Selbstbesteuerung i Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation.
Izložbu u Galeriji Miroslav Kraljević financijski podupire Grad Zagreb i Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske.
Oliver Ressler & Dario Azzellini: Occupy, Resist, Produce
3 – 25 June 2016
The artist Oliver Ressler will present his work on the opening and he will be joined by Dragutin Varga, union representative of Regional industrial trade union and president of the workers steering committee in factory ITAS - Prvomajska d.d. from Ivanec (Croatia), one of the prominent advocates for taking over the factory.
A 3-channel video installation by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler
97 min. (combined)
2014 – 2015
The economic crisis that began in 2007-8 led to layoffs on a massive scale, leaving thousands of newly unemployed workers with little hope of another job. Their response put workers’ control back on the agenda in Europe. For many years
beforehand, factories had been occupied and recuperated almost exclusively in Latin America.
In most cases an occupation is not a deliberate step towards workers' control but a means of workers' struggle against the closure of a production site or company or the relocation of production to another country. The struggles often fall apart without any concrete results. “Occupy, Resist, Produce” focuses on the rare, better organized cases where the purpose of the struggle is to bring production under workers’ control.
The workers do more than protest, they take the initiative and become protagonists, building horizontal social relations on the production sites and adopting mechanisms of direct democracy and collective decision-making. The recuperated workplaces
often reinvent themselves, building links with local communities and social movements.
The 3-channel video installation “Occupy, Resist, Produce” consists of three films on occupied factories in Milan, Rome and Thessaloniki. In these cases the workers did
find ways to organize labor under their own control. Each film is based on discussion with the workers. The workers' assemblies – always the main decision-making bodies – were recorded. It is fundamental to recognize the differences between the situations, contexts and practices of the three worker-controlled companies, but it is also important to understand workers’ control or recuperation of workplaces as a socio-political action rather than a merely economic procedure.
Maflow, a multinational car parts producer based in Milan, closed its production facilities in 2009, with proprietor Italian Lifestyle Partners facing bankruptcy fraud charges. The workers began a struggle to reopen the plant under workers’ control. In 2013 they occupied the plant, and since that day 20 workers have participated fulltime in the project, completely reinventing themselves and the factory, which they renamed RiMaflow. Applying the concept of an “open factory”, the workers started recycling computers and electronic household devices, opened a bar and cafeteria, and organized a flea market and cultural activities with the local community. They
also built alliances with local organic agricultural producers, creating a group for solidarity shopping.
Officine Zero, formerly RSI (Rail Service Italia), once specialized in maintenance and repair of sleeping cars. When Italian railroads stopped running night trains in December 2011, RSI closed. Some 20 workers from a workforce of almost 60 refused to accept the closure, and in February 2012 they occupied their workplace. In 2013 Officine Zero was officially founded as an eco-social factory. Officine Zero literally means “Zero Workshops”: “zero bosses, zero exploitation, zero pollution”, as their new slogan puts it. In half a dozen workshops for carpentry, padding, metalwork and general repairs, the workers at Officine Zero focus mainly on the repair and recycling of domestic appliances, computers and furniture. The collective project aims to transform the former sleeping car repair shop into an industrial reuse and recycling center.
Vio.Me. in Thessaloniki used to produce industrial glue, insulant and various other chemically derived construction materials. In 2010 the workers were sent on unpaid leave every 4-6 weeks. After the owner stopped paying wages at all, in July 2011 the workers decided to occupy the plant and take their future into their own hands. In February 2013 Vio.Me. began producing organic cleaning products and organic soap. Vio.Me. formed a cooperative in order to operate legally. However, Vio.Me. does not operate as a traditional cooperative. The workers do not consider the company their property but a common good that should serve the community.
Vio.Me. has “solidarity supporters” paying a monthly fee in advance and getting Vio.Me. products in exchange. The solidarity assembly also supports the workers' mobilizations.
For the future it is planned to produce further films on occupied factories and to expand the video installation as the workers' struggles continue.
Directed, produced and edited by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler
Camera: Thomas Parb
Additional camera: Rudolf Gottsberger, Bernhard Mayr
Sound design, re-recording mix and color correction: Rudolf Gottsberger
The project was funded partly through the support of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) AR 183-G21, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo – CAAC, BKA, Aktion Selbstbesteuerung and the Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation.
Exhibition in Miroslav Kraljević Gallery is supported by City of Zagreb and Ministry of culture of Republic of Croatia.