U Novom Sadu će se 25. i 26. lipnja održavati znanstvena konferencija pod nazivom "Post-socijalizam: hibridnost, kontinuitet i promjena". Organizatori konferencije su CECS - Centre for Empirical Cultural Studies South-East Europe (Centar za empirijske kulturalne studije jugoistične Europe) i Svečilište u Zürichu.

Među brojnim izlaganjima istaknut ćemo ona koja se specifično dotiču Hrvatske:

Snježana Ivčić, Ana Vračar, Lada Weygand (BRID/OWID - Baza za radničku inicijativu i demokratizaciju/Organization for Workers' Initiative and Democratisation) i Aleksandar Džakula (University of Zagreb) - Privatization of Primary Health Care in Croatia – Transition from Social to Free Market

Augustin Derado (Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar Split) i Nemanja Krstić (University of Niš) - Small farmers in post-socialist Serbia and Croatia – A qualitative analysis of life-strategies in 10 agricultural households”

Krešimir Krolo, Sven Marcelić i Željka Tonković (University of Zadar) - Cultural Lifestyles and Values of Urban Youth in Adriatic Croatia

Katja Kahlina (Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow) - Political homophobia in post-socialist context: The case of Croatia

U nastavku navodimo cjeloviti program i raspored izlaganja na konferenciji:

SUBOTA, 25.6.

09.45 – 10.15 Opening of the conference

10.15 – 11.00 Keynote address:

Vesna Vuk Godina (University of Ljubljana) - Survival strategies of Households and Individuals in Post-socialist Societies between Hybridity, Continuity and Change: An Anthropological Account

11.00 – 12.30 Session 1: Contours of Post-socialism

Rudi Klanjšek (University of Maribor) - (Socio)Economic Realities in Four SEE Countries - From Crisis to Crisis. And Beyond

M. Malović , V. Petrović and A. Zdravković (Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade) - Misunderstanding of FDI in W. Balkans: Cart before the Horse and Wheels without Suspension

Predrag Cvetičanin (University of Niš), Inga Tomić-Koludrović (Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Split), Mirko Petrić, (University of Zadar) & Adrian Leguina Ruzzi (University of Manchester) - Hybridity of social structure in SEE societies: from occupational to existential class

Dmitry Rudenko (Tyumen State University) - Poverty and inequality in Russia during the post-socialist transformation

13.45 – 14.30 Keynote address:

Eric Gordy (University College London) - Revisiting post-socialist teleology

14.30 – 16.00 Parallel Sessions 2 & 3:

14.30 – 16.00 Session 2: Songs of Freedom, Narratives of Oppression and New Realities I

Balázs Böcskei (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) - From liberal democracy to illiberalism: New authoritarian regimes, Hungarian illiberalism and the crisis of the “real existing liberalism”

Miran Lavrič, (University of Maribor), Danijela Gavrilović, (University of Niš), Ivan Puzek (University of Zadar) and Rudi Klanjšek (University of Maribor) - The effects of the economic crisis on values and attitudes in Southeast Europe: Erosion of trust, retraditionalization and the decline of public good morality

Stefan Janković (University of Belgrade) & Jorn Koelemaij (Ghent University) - A Peculiar Case of Post-socialist Urban Transformation: Analyzing Processes and Struggles around the Belgrade Waterfront Project

14.30 – 16.00 Parallel Sessions 2 & 3:

14.30 – 16.00 Session 3: Songs of Freedom, Narratives of Oppression and New Realities II

Snježana Ivčić, Ana Vračar, Lada Weygand (Organization for Workers Initiative and Democratisation) & Aleksandar Džakula (University of Zagreb) - Privatization of Primary Health Care in Croatia – Transition from Social to Free Market

Anna Calori (University of Exeter) & Kathrin Jurkat (Humboldt University) - Workers’ narratives and property transformations: continuity and change in post-socialist Bosnia and Serbia

Milan Škobić (1991) Central European University Budapest (MA student) - Acknowledging precarity: youth and labor relations in a small town in Northern Vojvodina

16.45 – 17.30 Keynote address:

Geoff Pugh (Staffordshire University Business School) - Informal institutions: good and bad; and how to tell the difference

17.30 – 19.00 Session 4: Informality in Post-socialism

Jan Bazyli Klakla (Jagiellonian University Kraków - PhD student) - The Role of Customary Law in Maintaining Social Order in the Times of Transition

Endrit Lami (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary), Luca J. Uberti (University of Otago, New Zealand), Drini Imami (Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania), Geoffrey Pugh (Staffordshire University, UK) - Good Governance and Corruption in Post-Conflict Kosovo, 2001-14: Time Series Evidence from the Mining Sector

Cristine Palaga (Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca - PhD student) - From Informal Exchanges to Dual Practices: The Shadows of the Romanian Health Care Reform

Marija Žurnić, (New Europe College, Bucharest) - Transition and Corruption in Eastern Europe. The Role of Political Scandals in Post-Milosevic Serbia


10.00 – 10.45 Keynote address:

Alena Ledeneva (University College London) - Formal vs. Informal under Post-Socialism: Evidence from the Global Informality Project

11.00 – 12.30 Session 5: Life-strategies of Individuals and Groups in Post-socialism

Urban Boljka (Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia) - Fight against poverty or fight against welfare dependency?

Augustin Derado (Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar Split) & Nemanja Krstić (University of Niš) - Small farmers in post-socialist Serbia and Croatia – A qualitative analysis of life-strategies in 10 agricultural households”

Tamara Narat (Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia) - Child-centeredness as a survival strategy of families with children

Marija Obradović (Institute for Recent History of Serbia) & Nada Novaković (Institute of Social Sciences, University of Belgrade) - Socio-economic strategies of the workers employed in public enterprises, in conditions of ownership transformation in Serbia: A case study of Srbijagas and EPS.

14.00 – 16.00 Parallel Sessions 6 & 7:

14.00 – 16.00 Session 6: Dealing with the present and the past (at the same time) I

Marcin Lubaś (Jagiellonian University in Krakow) - Politics beyond the Ethno-Religious Divide? Exclusion and Boundaries in a Western Macedonian Village

Ivana M. Milovanović (University of Novi Sad) - Some characteristics of daily life of women in postwar divided city (Life conditions and lifestyle of Bosniac ethnicity women)

Andrew Hodges (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb) - The Importance of Being Patriotic: Croatian ‘Minority’ Negotiations of Veze in Serbia

14.00 – 16.00 Session 7: Dealing with the present and the past (at the same time) II

Aleksandra Kolaković (institute for Political Studies, University of Belgrade) - Dealing with past in the former Yugoslav states: paradigms of history textbooks and culture of remembrance

Roozbeh B Baker (University of Surrey) - Post-Socialist Continuity and Change: Legal Reform in BiH

Katja Kahlina (Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow) - Political homophobia in post-socialist context: The case of Croatia

Bogdan Zawadewicz (Research Group “Frozen and Unfrozen Conflicts”, Regensburg) - The role of symbolic capital in shaping the separatists’ strategies – the case of Bosnia and Ukraine

16.45 – 17.30 Keynote address:

Alan Warde (University of Manchester) - Re-assessing cultural capital: some theoretical considerations

17.30 – 19.00 Parallel Sessions 8 & 9:

17.30 – 19.00 Session 8: Everyday life in Post-Socialism

Tamara Petrović-Trifunović (Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade) - Intimations of the New Symbolic Struggles in Contemporary Serbia: Subcultural Contributions

Ivan Bernik (University of Ljubljana) - Society and Sexuality in (Post-)Socialism

Ivana Spasić (University of Belgrade) - Citizen, user, consumer, or beneficiary: changing visions of the individual and the state on the example of the Belgrade city transport

17.30 – 19.00 Session 9: Cultures of Post-socialism

Željka Zdravković, Mirko Petrić, Inga Tomić-Koludrović - Individual lifestyle consumption and household capitals in four South-East European Countries in the times of crisis

Mina Petrović & Milena Toković, Faculty of Philosophy (University of Belgrade, Serbia) - Cultural Heritage and Searching for Identity in Post-Socialist City: Two Case Studies from Serbia

Krešimir Krolo, Sven Marcelić & Željka Tonković (University of Zadar) - Cultural Lifestyles and Values of Urban Youth in Adriatic Croatia